Hi, I’m bennett

I’m a father, corporate lawyer, value investor, and writer.Though I’m still figuring a lot of that stuff out.


What am I up to these days?First and foremost I’m doing family stuff. I’m a father now to two lovely girls. And I’m a ‘husband’ — not legally but it’s much easier to describe myself that way than to use terms like ‘de facto’ — to a lovely lady. Home life is hectic but rewarding.Professionally, I’m working as a corporate / commercial lawyer at a global chemicals manufacturer. I'm also a non-executive director for some local not-for-profit companies.I have invested a small sum of money and occasionally I try to turn it into a larger sum of money. So far I’ve only been successful at doing the reverse.Lastly, I'm trying to find time for a number of writing projects. I run a number of blog / newsletter / I-dont-know-what-to-call-them type projects, and like everyone flirting with a mid-life crisis, I'd like to get a book out one day.

Writing Projects

I’m currently working on the following projects:


I'm allergic to phone calls. The best way to contact me is via email (I have a bajillion email addresses on the go, but they all point to the same laptop).Or you can complete the contact form below and, in theory if I've coded it correctly, it will direct your message to me. Worst case scenario it goes nowhere. It's very unlikely to explode.

Marshmallow Capital
Marshmallow Capital is a paid Substack about value investing and personal finance.
Click here to explore Marshmallow Capital

Lindsay Street
Lindsay Street is a paid Substack about the emerging world of legal operations.
Click here to explore Lindsay Street

You can get a better feel for my professional experience at my Polywork page or my LinkedIn profile.